Biennial report 1994-1995: UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) |
Reproductive health: maternal health, abortion AIDS and HIV, reproductive, tract infections contraception |
Women's perspectives on contraceptive development: |
Facts about an implantable contraceptive: memorandum from a who meeting |
IUD maker gambles on the informed consumer: Alza Corp's consent form asks prospective users to consider risks, alternatives |
Contraceptive research and development: progress toward a woman-centered agenda |
La menopausia: cómo afecta a las mujeres y cómo resolverla |
Women population and global crisis: a political-economic analysis |
Terra femina: population : the human factor on life, love, death and exile |
Nueva guía de ginecología: 100 respuestas para la mujer |